This charge code is not associated with recurring invoices
Description of Issue
When trying to use the Update Invoices function in Accounts Receivable Charge Codes, receive the error: This charge code is not associated with recurring invoices.
- Accounts Receivable
- Accounts Receivable Charge Codes (archgmnt)
- Recurring Invoices (gbrecurr)
There is no existing Recurrence Pattern that uses the selected Charge Code(s), resulting in no records to update.
The Update Invoices button will only update existing Recurring Invoice patterns to use the most recent Charge Code accounts and specifications.
To clear this error, go into Recurring Invoices and create a record that uses the Charge Code(s). When finished, try the Update Invoices button again.
Additional Information
- For guidance on creating Recurring Invoice patterns, please see: How to create GB Recurring Invoices
- Additional resources for working in Charge Codes can be found here: Master Article - Charge Codes