CT W-2 Electronic file error

CT W-2 Electronic file error

Description of Issue

I am receiving errors submitting my CT state W-2 electronic file. Errors read:

You have entered an incomplete or incorrect number, Please make sure you are entering all digits of the Connecticut Tax Registration Number

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

Invalid File Format - each record must be 512 bytes in length followed by a carriage return/line feed.  Each file must contain a RA, RE, RS, RT and a RF record.

  • Munis
  • W-2 Wizard
  • Create W-2 Electronic File
  • Relevant as of 2019

Remove the first RT and RE records in the electronic file and resubmit. 


Connecticut Department of Revenue is aware of an issue reading only the first RT and RE records in the electronic files. 


Electronic file will show RS09 records with employee information and somewhere in the middle there will be an RT546848646848948 line and an RE2019 156846 etc. line.

Additional Information