What is the ACA Command Center

What is the ACA Command Center

Description of Issue

What is the ACA Command Center and is necessary to use?

  • Affordable Care Act Reporting
  • ACA Command Center

The ACA Command Center was added to serve as a self-help tool to facilitate your progress through the ACA Report, usage is entirely optional.

  1. Navigate to the program ACA Command Center.
    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > 1095-B/C Processing > ACA Command Center
  2. Click Add and define the reporting year and 1095 type.
  3. Click Accept to save the record.
  4. Click Update and define which items are required to be completed.
  5. Click Accept to save the updates.
  6. Click any of the items to launch the specific program and proceed with the ACA Report.
Additional Information

Please review the Master Article - Affordable Care Act Year End Reporting for all related topics.