What is the ACA Command Center
What is the ACA Command Center
Description of Issue
What is the ACA Command Center and is necessary to use?
- Affordable Care Act Reporting
- ACA Command Center
The ACA Command Center was added to serve as a self-help tool to facilitate your progress through the ACA Report, usage is entirely optional.
- Navigate to the program ACA Command Center.
- Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > 1095-B/C Processing > ACA Command Center
- Click Add and define the reporting year and 1095 type.
- Click Accept to save the record.
- Click Update and define which items are required to be completed.
- Click Accept to save the updates.
- Click any of the items to launch the specific program and proceed with the ACA Report.
Additional Information
Please review the Master Article - Affordable Care Act Year End Reporting for all related topics.