Which ESS W-4 Email can be edited
Which ESS W-4 Email can be edited
Description of Issue
- We would like to customize the ESS W-4 Emails, which ones can we edit and where are they stored?
- Munis
- Employee Self Service (ESS)
- W-4 Requests
- Email Customization
- Informational
- The email notification sent when the employee submits their W-4 Request record in ESS is not able to be edited
- The email notification sent to the employee when the W-4 Request record approved in Munis is able to be edited
- To update this W-4 Request Approval Email, you will need to navigate to the program Pending W-4 Requests in Munis
- Menu → Human Capital Management → Human Resources → Payroll → Employee Maintenance → Pending W-4 Requests
- Select Email Text in the ribbon
- Enter in your desired text
- Select Save to lock in the updates
- The next W-4 Request Approval should send the newly defined text
Additional Information
- Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions