How to import yearly employee accumulators
How to import yearly employee accumulators
Description of Issue
- User needs to add yearly accumulators for COVID wages or Employer Paid HSA deductions for a lot of employees so that they can be reported on W-2s. Looking for a way to import that information.
- Need to report employer amount of the employer sponsored health insurance on the W2s on Box 12
- EERP Payroll
- Employee Accumulators
- Import Yearly Employee Accumulators
- W-2 Processing
- W2 Processing
- Create an Excel import file and save. (.CSV Format is recommended)
- Available options are Employee Number, SSN, Employee Amount, Employer Amount, Employee Gross, Hours, Pay/Deduction.
- Go to Employee Accumulators (Payroll>Payroll Administration>Employee Accumulators).
- Click Import in the toolbar.
- Click Custom Templates.
- Click New Template to create the Custom Template to match the Import file fields.
- Give the Template a name.
- Define the delimiter if applicable (Other, then define a comma (,) if using CSV; leave as None if using an Excel file).
- Select the file by clicking Browse.
- If the file has headers, check boxes for File contains headers and Attempt field matching based on headers.
- Click Upload.
- If any column names are missing, use the white arrow to select the correct option from the dropdown.
- Click Save.
- Go back to Import screen.
- Click Define.
- Select the Template from the drop down. Select the browse option to locate the saved excel or CSV file.
- Define applicable Year, Type and Pay/Deduction.
- Click Accept.
- Select preferred output option. Click OK.
- Review Proof report carefully.
- Return to Import screen. Prompt will show: xx records found that are eligible to be imported. Continue with import? Click Yes to continue or No to cancel process.
Additional Information
- Utilizing Flexible Import and Exports
- Please note - existing accumulators cannot be updated through the import. It can only be used to import new yearly accumulators. Existing accumulators can only be updated manually.