Which tax table is being used on a payroll that crosses years

Description of Issue

When calculating Federal taxes on a payroll that crosses years, which tax table does the system look to? 

  • Munis
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Tax Tables


The Check Date of the payroll will determine which tax table is used. If the check date of the payroll is on or after the effective date of the Tax Table, that is the table that will be used. 


  1. Go to Payroll Start and Status (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status) 
  2. Search for the warrant. Click Accept. Note the Check Date (01/07/21).
  3. Go to Tax Tables (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Income Tax Setup>Tax Tables)
  4. Search for the Effective Date of the tax table. (01/01/2021) Click Accept.
  5. Since the check date is after the effective date of the table, this is the table being used in the tax calculations.
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