Cash Receipts in XML Receipt Format

Cash Receipts in XML Receipt Format

Description of Issue

TylerForms needs an XML Receipt Data file

XML Receipt Format for Payment Receipts

How to generate an XML data file for Cash Receipts

How to generate a Payment Receipt Data File

  • Munis
  • Payment Entry
  • Cash Receipts
  • Accounts Receivable Settings - Cat Specific Settings
  • XML
  • ReadyForms

This article was created to document the functionality of producing Payment Receipt files in XML format out of Munis. Certain Payment Receipt formats are used for a number of features from Tyler, including TylerForms and ReadyForms.


It should be noted that in prior versions of Munis (11.3 and below) not all Cash Receipts can be generated in XML by design. If a blank data file is created, it means that XML is disabled by design for this Category.

To confirm or set Payment Receipts to output in XML Format please use the below steps 

  1. Navigate to General Revenues>Accounts Receivable>Setup>Accounts Receivable Settings>Cat Specific.

  2. In this module, locate the Category of Cash Receipts you wish to confirm or update to XML Receipt Format. 

  3. Click Update.

  4. Click the Receipt Format drop down

  5. Choose XML - Raw Format. 

  6. Click Accept

  7. When creating receipts in Payment Entry or using DUP Receipt in Munis, the data files will now output as XML.

    1. There are times where a different format may be needed for a different category, go back to step 5 and choose the requested format

How to create or spool a Payment Receipt Data File from Munis

  1. Navigate to General Revenues>Payment Processing>Receipts
  2. Click Search and use the fields provided to target a recent or specific receipt that will be used for the spool data file
  3. Click Accept.
  4. Locate and Click Dup Receipt in the toolbar. This will bring up the Receipt Re-Print screen
  5. The Receipt Type set to 1 - INDIV ONLY should default in.
    1. Optionally, a Summary Receipt or occasionally both may be requested or needed. Here is where you can designate what is needed.
  6. Click Accept
  7. The Munis Output screen will now pull up, choose Display and click OK
  8. Munis will now generate the Data File
    1. Munis Desktop Client (GDC) should open a notepad.txt file
    2. Munis Web Client (GWC) should download a notepad.txt file to the Downloads folder. Usually notifying the user that this has taken place.

See additional information if the above data file is locked or protected. This means that the file Munis produced is not in a notepad.txt file that can be opened and modified by any user. 

Additional Information

There are times where Munis will deliver a locked or protected display file, if this is encountered please continue below:

  1. Navigate back to the Main Tyler Menu.
    1. Navigate to ASP Admin (If available) and click File Transfer
    2. Navigate to System Administration>Miscellaneous Administration>File Transfer.
  2. Click Download from Spool Directory.
  3. Use the browse screen to locate the saved file from the spool, usually named but not limited to arrctimg####.txt.
  4. Highlight the file, click Accept or double click the correct file, the web browser should download and produce a raw data file.

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