Summary JE Transactions Exist - General Ledger Table Validation

Description of Issue

Table Validation has error 'Summary JE Transactions Exist'



  • This test checks for Summary Journal Entry transactions that have not yet been posted to the general ledger
  • These will need to be posted or deleted to resolve the error
  • To post journals:
    1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Post Summary Journals
    2. Select Sources
    3. Define
    4. Complete the fields, as required. (Refer to the Field Descriptions table in Munis Help for details)
    5. Process to print a report and post the journal entries to the general ledger
Additional Information
  • The Post Summary Journals program prints and posts accumulated general ledger entries from other Munis functions such as Bill Detail, Fixed Assets, and so on
  • The program displays a list of the source journals and effective dates for source journals waiting to be posted
  • The report displays the year, period, and journal number
  • The report shows the same information as the Browse Source report with amounts subtotaled by date
  • After the report has printed, the journal entries are posted
  • The number of entries posted displays at the bottom of the screen
  • Control accounts are posted even though they do not print on the report
  • If there is nothing waiting to be posted, the following message displays: "No source data available"
  • Journal entries with a source code of TXM only update the general ledger if the following fields in Tax Settings are selected
  • Master Article - General Ledger Table Validation List of Errors