Direct Deposit Deduction did not pull into payroll

Direct Deposit Deduction did not pull into payroll

Description of Issue

A direct deposit deduction on one employee does not pull into payroll as a direct deposit but as a written check.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Employee Deductions

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Advice Print


Employee deduction record for Direct Deposit was activated after generating the payroll.


Check audit history for the Employee Deduction record.

  1. Access Employee Deductions (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Deductions).

  2. Search for the Employee Deductions record.

  3. Click View History.

  4. Select Current Record.

  5. Click OK.

If the activation of the record is after generate step of payroll than it will not pull into payroll. 

To check when the generate step was processed check the global audit history. 

  1. Go to Global Audit Inquiry. (Payroll>Payroll Administration>Global Audit Inquiry).

  2. Search for the payroll Run and Warrant. Click Accept

  3. Click Browse

Delete and re-add deduction in Payroll

  1. Go to Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status.

  2. Click Earnings and Deductions.

  3. Search for Employee. Click Accept

  4. Click Withholding Tab.

  5. Click Update.

  6. Click line for Direct Deposit deduction.

  7. Click Delete

  8. Click Accept

  9. Click Add.

  10. Enter Direct Deposit deduction code.

  11. TAB to let information populate.

  12. Click Accept

Additional Information