Positive Pay-Leading zeroes removed from Bank Account number

Description of Issue

User has created Positive Pay Custom Template and needs to include Bank Account number, which has two leading zeroes. The leading zeroes are being removed when the file is created. 

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Check Register

  • Positive Pay



Replace Bank Account column with User Defined on Template and define Bank Account in User Defined field on Custom Variables screen.

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. 

  2. Search for a warrant. Click Accept.

    1. Can use a completed warrant to make the changes to Template and definition screen. 

  3. Click Change. 

  4. Click Check Register. 

  5. Click Custom Templates. 

  6. Locate current template and click View. 

  7. Select Detail from Line Type dropdown.

  8. Using dropdown menu at top of column, change the header for Account Number to User Defined.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click Return and close out of Payroll Check Register Custom Templates browser tab.

  11. Return to Payroll Check Register definition screen.

  12. Click Define.

  13. Clear field for Bank Account Number.

  14. Click Accept.

  15. Click Custom Variables.

  16. Click Define.

  17. Enter Account Number in User Defined field under Detail Line Options section.

  18. Click Accept. 

  19. Click Back and create report for review.

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