An invalid condition has occurred Output cannot continue Contact software supp Error in Scheduler

Description of Issue
  • A scheduled job that has run successfully previously is now failing with the error: An invalid condition has occurred. Output cannot continue. Contact software supp.

  • When trying to schedule a job to output to the Munis spool directory, you get the following error: Report name not valid. Invalid report name entered:  d:\musys\spool_xxxx. The name may consist of letters, numbers, and the special characters of period ( . ), underscore ( _ ), and dash ( - ).  The name must start with a letter or a number, and spaces are not permitted within the name

  • Scheduler Queue (mescheng)

  • Accounts Receivable 

  • General Ledger

  • Purchasing 

  • 2019.1.22


The schedule file name is invalid. 


Recreate the job making sure that the File name uses valid characters only. 

Additional Information

A manual workaround is to run the report or process without scheduling.Â