Invalid Transaction Structure in Payment Entry - A ROLLBACK WORK instruction was executed without an open transaction

Description of Issue

An invalid structure for transaction logging has been detected. a ROLLBACK WORK instruction was executed without an open transaction.  Previous Transaction ID: XXXX Current Transaction ID = XXXX.

  • General Billing

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Payment Entry

  • Payment Reversals

  • Invoice Entry and Proof

  • Bill Refund Processing


Transaction was not completed. Warning intended to notify User that the action was canceled. 


If cancelling was not intended outcome, complete process again, ensuring steps are done correctly, and to completion. User should click Accept, or Enter on their keyboard after action has been selected. Tab should be used to navigate from one field to the next. 

If the above resolution does not work, log out of MUNIS, wait 10 minutes, log back in, and try the process again. 

Additional Information

This is an informative warning message. No Error has occurred.