Proving out Federal Tax withholding amount when new 2020 W-4 or Later has NOT been filled out
When using the IRS publication 15-T I am calculating a different Federal withholding amount than what is showing in Munis.
- Tax Tables
- Payroll Start and Status
- Earnings and Deductions
- Employee Deductions
- Employee Job Salary
The Monthly tax tables were used to calculate the withholding amount from the IRS worksheet and Munis is setup with Annual Tax Tables. Worksheet 5 for "Manual Payroll Systems" on page 57 for Publication 15-T was used instead of Worksheet 1 for "Automated Payroll Systems" on page 5. Munis uses the "Automated Payroll Systems" Annual Tax Tables to calculate withholding amounts.
When proving out the Federal income Tax, if you are using annual tax tables, you will need to annualize the deduction gross according to the annual tax tables.
Step 1:
1a. Employee's total taxable wages (Deduction Gross in Payroll Earnings and Deductions on detail screen of deduction ) : $637.93
1b. Number of pay periods (Table 3 on the worksheet or Number of Pays in Employee Job Salary on the base pay record): 12
1c. Multiply 1a by 1b. 4,714.86*12=7,655.16
Skip 1d-1i since the employee HAS NOT filled out the new 2020 W-4 or Later form.
1j. Enter the number of allowances on Employee W-4: 0
1k. Multiply 1j by 4,300: 0
1l. Subtract 1k from 1c: 0 (7,655.16)
Step 2:
2a. Enter amount from 1i or 1l: 7,655.16
2b. Looking at the Tax Table, find where the 7,655.16 lands and enter the "If taxable wage is Over" amount: 3800.00
2c. Enter the amount from column C on the Tax Table (the +/- Amount): 0
2d. Enter the Percentage from the Tax Table (+/- %): 10
2e. Subtract line 2b from line 2a: 3,855.16
2f. Multiply 2e by percentage (3,855.16*.10): 385.516
2g. Add lines 2c and 2f: 385.516
2h. Divide 2g by number of pay periods (385.516/12): 32.13
Step 3:
3a. Enter the amount from Step 3 on Form W-4 2020 or later (Dependents Amt on Employee Deduction Record): 0
3b. Divide 3a by amount of pay periods: 0
3c. Subtract 3b from 2h: 32.13
Step 4:
4a. Enter additional withholding amount (If using tax table plus amount calc code, add amount here): 0
4b. Add lines 3c. and 4a. This is the amount to be withheld: 32.13