How to determine how many documents are saved in CM
Looking for a way to determine the total amount of documents that are currently saved in CM
Content Manager
Login to the CM Full Client with administrative rights
Please follow How to Access and Launch the CM Full Client for further instruction if you've not yet accessed the CM Full Client beforeClick on the Administration tab
Click on Feature Center > Documents and Searching > Document Count
Click on the Index Documents tab
Click on Index Type Details (lower right corner)
This will display how many documents are currently stored to CM as well as how many documents are stored to each document type
Attachments in the non-production environment are not mirrored with Production
In order to see the same amount of documents in a Test or Train environment, both a Munis refresh and a CM refresh would need to be performed
This is not typical as the amount of space required to duplicate a typical prod environments attachments is great and not recommended
We recommend creating new records and attachments through EERP/Munis for your Test and Train environments to test access and new functionality when possible
You can also export a small set of records and attachments out of one environment and import to another instead of doing a full CM refresh, just be sure a EERP/Munis refresh containing the records has occurred so you can view the documents if needed
How to import large quantities of documents into TCM
CM - How to Extract Export Copies of Documents from Content Manager