Fetch select txremast failed 100 error when importing Special Assessments

Description of Issue

When importing a file of Special Assessments, the error Fetch select_txremast failed. 100 is received. 

  • Property Tax Billing
  • Special Assessments (txspasmt)
  • Parcels (txremast)

There is a blank line in the file or Parcel Id in the file that is incorrectly formatted or that does not have a corresponding Current Parcel record with a matching Parcel Id in the Parcels program. 

  1. If OK is selected in response to this error message, the import process will continue. Each error represents a record from the file that was not imported due to there being no matching Parcel Id on a Current Parcel record in the Parcels program.
  2. Use the Records Read field and Records Processed to determine how many records were successfully processed. The Records Read indicates how many records were in the file. The Records Processed indicates how many records were successfully imported. The difference between these two numbers (Records Read - Records Processed) is the total number of records not processed.
  3. A Search can be executed in the Special Assessments program to return the records that were successfully imported. Compare the successfully imported records to the records in the file to determine which records were not imported. 
  4. Open the import file and verify that there are no blank lines and that all of the Parcel Ids in the file are properly formatted. Some common errors include:
    1. There is a blank line somewhere in the file. 
    2. The Parcel Ids are not left justified in the file. 
    3. One or more Parcel Ids are incomplete. For example, Parcel Id 123.123.123 is listed as 123.123. only.
    4. The Parcel Ids either include or exclude their delimiters, when they should do the opposite. For example, Parcel Id 123.123.123 is listed as 123123123 or vice versa. If when searching for a parcel in programs like Bill Inquiry or Parcels, the delimiters are required, then they should be included. If when searching for a parcel in programs like Bill Inquiry or Parcels, the delimiters are not required, then they should be excluded. For more information on why this is, please see: Why do Parcel Ids Include Special Characters but When Searching for a Parcel the Special Characters are Excluded
    5. The Parcel Ids are not in the correct position in the file. Please refer to this article for the appropriate positioning: Create a Special Assessments Import File
  5. If the formatting is verified to be correct, then make sure that there is a Current Parcel in the Parcels program with a matching Parcel Id.
    1. Navigate to the Parcels program either by searching or via the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Processing and Reports > Parcels 
    2. Click Search.  
    3. If a prompt returns asking which version of the Parcel should be searched for, select Current.
    4. Enter the Parcel Id. 
    5. Click Accept. 
    6. If no records return, then there is no Current Parcel with that Parcel Id. Parcels are usually added through an import as part of a bill run. Manually adding a parcel is not recommended, but if necessary, can be done with the following steps: Add a New Parcel
Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.Â