EPL Payments Dropped When Batch Imported Into Munis Due to 0 Deposit Reference

Description of Issue

Some payments are missing from a batch imported into Munis from EPL

  • The required input argument lv_depositCreationData. Deposit was not populated.
  • An error has occurred while attempting to unlock this Batch.
  • Munis
  • EP&L
  • EnerGov

A deposit reference of 0, or multiple zeros (e.g. 0000) was entered in Tyler Cashiering. Every subsequent payment will be dropped from the imported batch, following the first payment with an erroring deposit reference.

  1. Create a case with Enterprise Permitting and Licensing Support for assistance exporting the batch XML data from EPL
  2. With assistance from the EPL tech, manually update the erroring deposit references in the XML file, for each applicable payment in the batch
  3. The EPL tech can request a child case with EERP General Billing Support to have the batch manually imported into Munis
Additional Information