Invalid GL Account after changing credit account allocation to an expense account

Description of Issue

Error message in Cashiering when changing the allocation from a revenue account to an expense account on a Misc Cash Receipt:

Changes not saved, correct the following error: Invalid GL Account. 

  • Cashiering

  • EERP 

  • Project Master

  • Project Inquiry

  • General Ledger


The project account type is still set to PA Funding and the General Ledger account type is still set to GL Balance. 


First ensure you have the correct GL expense account for the project:

  1. Navigate to Tyler Menu > Enterprise ERP > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Project Master or Project Inquiry (depending on user permissions)

  2. Click Search to find the desired project. 

  3. To find the correct GL expense account for the project, click the Expense icon in the tool bar 

  4. Under Default GL Account, the correct expense account for the project will be listed. 

  1. In Cashiering, to change the credit allocation to an expense account, set the Account type to PE and input the desired project string

  2. Either hit the Add account button, or edit the second account if the field is pre existing. 

  3. Set the Account Type to GE and input the GL account obtained from the Expense page in Project Master or Project Inquiry. 

  4. Click Update to save the changes and proceed with payment. 

Additional Information

To determine the correct funding GL account in Project Master or Project Inquiry, search the desired project and select the Funding Source icon. Click the GL Account tab toward the bottom of the screen to find the Funding GL account for the project.