Voided Tyler Cashiering transaction not being recognized in Munis

Voided Tyler Cashiering transaction not being recognized in Munis

Description of Issue

Voided a transaction in Tyler Cashiering and it is not being recognized in Munis

Error(s) reported by Munis 2. Error reversing receipts in transaction. (ID: 20 Status: 0)

  • Transactions Pending Payment Status 

  • Orphaned Transaction

  • Tyler Cashier v 2021.1+

  • Yellow Exclamation 

  • Yellow Triangle 

  • Warning Icon

  • Alert Icon

  • Resubmit 


While processing credit card payments, an unidentified error can sometimes occur that allows the credit card transaction to process but prevents the Cashiering application from recognizing and acknowledging it. This is also known as an orphaned transaction in Tyler Cashiering v2021.1+ The Resubmit button is used to change the pending status of a transaction to a complete status, so that a Tyler Cashiering batch may be finalized. 


The Tyler Cashiering void will need to be entered manually in Munis 

Additional Information