Credit card processing fee setup in Cashiering
This outlines the setup and process for assessing a credit card processing fee in Cashiering.
Tyler Cashiering
Need to internally collect a credit card fee and see the charge in Cashiering and Munis
There are two parts to the setup of a processing fee. The first part lies in the tender type setup in Tyler Cashiering and the second part lies in the charge code setup of Munis.
Cashiering setup:
Add a fee schedule under Administration>Fee Schedules. Make sure Collected Externally is disabled for sites who want to collected the credit card fee.
Add the Fee Schedule to a credit card tender under Administration>Tender Types.
Make sure the payment type Processing Fee is active and linked to the external system Enterprise ERP under Administration>Payment Types.
Munis setup:
Go to General Revenues>Accounts Receivable>Setup>Accounts Receivable Charge Codes.
Add a charge code for your current fiscal year called CCFEE, for AR Category 01. Activity Type should be PRIN – Principal.
Calculation Code should be 5 – Qty x Unit Price.
Check the option Use for Miscellaneous Cash.
Enter the necessary GL Accounts in the Accounts tab.
NOTE: The charge code must be named CCFEE.
More information about Fee Schedules can be located here: