Tyler Payments CSS Batch Not Auto Closing

Tyler Payments CSS Batch Not Auto Closing

Description of Issue

A batch for CSS payments is still open when it should have been auto-closed at midnight according to Tyler Payments. The previous days up until yesterday have seemed to have closed.

  • CSS

  • Payments

  • Cashiering


There is an unreconciled transaction in the Failed reconciliations page for batch.

  1. Navigate to Tyler Portico > Failed Reconciliations > Resolve

  2. Once this transaction is resolved, the batches will close as expected. Review transactions and ensure that they are correctly reflected in external system. If not, retry or manually enter the receipt for the payment or void for a return. Then mark the transaction as receipted or voided.

Additional Information

There are payments (Status: Captured), where that payment is not reflected in EERP/EPL. Some are returns, where a payer disputed a charge or an eCheck was returned due to insufficient funds (Status: Returned). The fact that this transaction is in the "Failed recon" page means that the voiding entry, cancelling the original payment, is not reflected in EERP/EPL. This causes the Tyler Payments batch to remain open. After this transaction is resolved the batches will close as expected.