This payment requires a customer to be selected

This payment requires a customer to be selected

Description of Issue

Unable to process POS transactions. Getting Error when clicking Pay Now

Error: This payment requires a customer to be selected

  • Tyler Cashiering

  • Payment Type

  • Processing Tab 

  • Require Customer field


The Require Customer field is selected in the the Processing Tab in the Payment Type settings in Tyler Cashiering 

  1. Navigate Tyler Cashiering> Payment Types

  2. Click edit next to the Payment Types

  3. Click the Processing Tab

  4. Turn off Require Customer field

  5. Click Save

  6. Refresh Tyler Cashiering in the web browser

The payment may need to be voided and re-entered for changes to apply.

Additional Information

If the Require Customer field can't be turned off manually, it will need to be scripted in the Tyler Cashiering SQL database. Contact Tyler Cashiering Support for further assistance.