EPL Testing connection failed in the EPL financial integrations

EPL Testing connection failed in the EPL financial integrations

Description of Issue

EPL Testing connection failed in the EPL financial integrations

Error: Authentication Failed: Make sure your URL, User Name and Password are correct

  • EPL Financial Integrations

  • Web Services URL

  • Tyler Cashiering

  • Energov/EPL


The URL for the web services in EERP (Munis) to setup the financial integration is getting cut short because there appears to be a limit of 70 characters creating a wrong web service URL and prompting the authentication error

  1. In EnerGov Navigate to System Settings > System Integration > Tyler Financial Integration

  2. Verify that the URL is in this format: https://exampleapp.tylerhost.net/1288test/munis/gas/svc/ws/r/mugws/arwshdlr

  3. If URL is not in this format, the URL will need to be updated to format example listed above 

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