Amounts by Segments Segment Group Contract functionality and use
How do new Segment Group Amounts by Segments Contracts work?
Munis EERP
Contract Management
New functionality to user
In Munis EERP versions 2021.1 and above, Amounts by Segments contracts introduce new functionality called Segment Groups. These Segment Groups can be added to the contract for specific Purchasing Departments. For instance, you could have two separate Segment Groups for Fiscal Year 2024, one to Department IT and one to department FIN. Each can have it's own amount and its own GL segment lines.
Just like legacy Amounts by Segments Contracts, each Segment Group has a Line Zero (0) Amount line which lists the amount available to spend for that group. Then, starting at line 1 and incrementally increasing, GL Segment lines can be added. As an example, you could have a Segment Group for department IT with an amount Line of $1000 and GL Segment Line Object 1000 and GL Segment Line ORG 2000. That would mean the only transactions against that Contract Segment Group have to be for Department IT and contain either Object 1000 or Org 2000.