Bill Date blank in Print Business Licenses XML export

Description of Issue

When printing Business License bills to XML the output contains a blank Bill Date element.

  • BillDate not exporting in BL Bill Print.

  • Installment1BillDueDate not exporting in BL Bill Print.

  • Enterprise Enterprise Resource Planning 

  • Business License

  • BL

  • Print Business Licenses

  • bllicprt



Install the following release for resolution:

  • MUN-472069 (2021.6.0.1667)

  • MUN-471973 (2021.7.0.1463)

  • MUN-472068 (2021.8.0.1178)

  • MUN-472063 (2021.9.0.905)

  • MUN-472062 (2021.10.0.574)

  • MUN-472061 (2021.11.0.212)

  • MUN-472051 (2021.12.0.0 Base Release)

  • MUN-472070 (2023.3.0.0 Base Release)

Additional Information