Unable to Enter Negative Amounts in Cashiering GL Allocation

Description of Issue
  • When editing the allocation of a Miscellaneous charge code, the Update button greys out when the amount is a negative number.

  • Unable to edit GL Allocations for a refund amount. If you delete the negative symbol, the update button illuminates again.

  • Permissions to change allocations is already set, and ledger access is already set to full. 

  • Cashiering

  • 2021.7


This is a bug, affecting Cashiering version 2021.7


Upgrade to Cashiering version 2021.8 or higher. Contact the TSM Team for any assistance with upgrading.

Additional Information

Enable to following settings to edit GL Allocations within a Miscellaneous Charge Code:

  1. Administration > Users > Transaction Security > Can change payment allocations.

  2. Administration > Users > Transaction Security > Ledger Access (set to Full)