VRW Export

Description of Issue

Need to create the export file for vehicle registration holds

  • Enterprise ERP (powered by Munis)

  • Property Revenues

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Virginia Tax

  • Motor Vehicle

  • Vehicle Registration Withholding


VRW requires an export file to be submitted to the VA DMV for approval.


Use the following steps to create the VRW Export file,

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > South > Virginia > Motor Vehicle Processing > Vehicle Registration Withholding > VRW Export.

  2. Click 'ADD's.

  3. Click Define.

  4. Enter in your Tax year range.

  5. Enter in your VRW special condition (use the field help to select it from a list of available special conditions).

  6. Enter in your VRW charge code (use the field help to select it from a list of available charge codes).

  7. VRW charge amount will populate automatically from the VRW charge code selected.

  8. Enter in your Jurisdiction.

  9. Enter in your Use agreement number (This is a number assigned to a participating locality by DMV).

  10. From the dropdown menu, select how you want to Apply VRW holds.

  11. From the dropdown menu, select how you want to filter Business property.

  12. Select whether you want to Apply VRW fees with export or not.

  13. Select whether you want to Include leased vehicles or not.

  14. Enter in your Minimum delinquent days.

  15. Enter in your Minimum delinquent amount.

  16. From the dropdown menu for File type, select E - Extranet.

  17. Enter in your desired File name.

  18. Click Accept.

  19. Click Select.

  20. Click Export.

Additional Information

The export file can be found by going to System Administration > Miscellaneous Administration > File Transfer > Download from export directory.