Cashiering Sorry there was a problem loading the external system payment type for external payment type

Description of Issue

When we navigate to Cashiering Administration Payment Types and click on any Active Munis Payment type (General Billing, Miscellaneous), we get an error stating: Sorry, there was a problem loading the external system payment type for external payment type

Cashiering Application logs show the following error:

HttpHelper(2fac9249-ea14-45e4-85b0-adbcd8436c49)-Response Time(ms):3014: {"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Failed to decrypt the value. Member Name:GetGateway; File:C:\\BuildAgent\\work\\d1c61111a5328724\\Tyler.Cashiering.IntegrationApi\\Manager\\IntegrationManager.cs; Line:91; Exception Message:Failed to encrypt the value. Member Name:Decrypt; File:C:\\BuildAgent\\work\\d1c61111a5328724\\Tyler.Cashiering\\Extensions\\EncryptionExtensions.cs; Line:103; Exception Message:Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.","ExceptionType":"System.ApplicationException","StackTrace":" at Tyler.Cashiering.Extensions.EncryptionExtensions.Decrypt[T](String data, T salt, String memberName, String sourceFilePath, Int32 sourceLineNumber) in C:\\BuildAgent\\work\\d1c61111a5328724\\Tyler.Cashiering\\Extensions\\EncryptionExtensions.cs:line 108\r\n at Tyler.Cashiering.IntegrationApi.Manager.IntegrationManager.GetGateway[T](ExternalSystem externalSystem, ExternalSystem nullExternalSystem, ExternalExecutionContext Context, AuthSessionMetadata authSession)

  • Cashiering
  • Munis ERP integration

wsuser password is incorrectly set in External Systems configurations

  1. Log into Cashiering with an administrator account
  2. Navigate to Administration > External Systems
  3. Click the pencil edit icon for Enterprise ERP/Munis
  4. Enter correct wsuser password
  5. Click Save