Detail Check History Report-Define returned no data, please re-define

Description of Issue

When searching for a specific Org range in Detail Check History report, user gets no results and the following message: 

Define returned no data, please re-define.

  • Payroll

  • Detail Check History Report


The Org code defined in Detail Check History is used to pull employees who have that code listed as their Primary Org in Employee Master. The user was searching with an Org that is not defined as the primary Org on any Employee Master record, because it is only used to code specific pays for a handful of employees. 

  • Re-define the report for individual employees with an open Org range, or with the Primary Org the employees have on Employee Master, so it will pull in all instances of their pay. 

  • Utilize another program such as Payroll Detail History instead (Payroll>Employee History>Payroll Detail History). 

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