Resume a batch in Adjust Invoices

Resume a batch in Adjust Invoices

Description of Issue

An existing batch needs to be resumed in Adjust Invoices. 

  • General Billing 

  • Adjust Invoices (gbinvmnt) 


A batch already exists and needs to be resumed so that additional adjustments can be entered. 

  1. Navigate to the Adjust Invoices program either by searching or via the following path: General Revenues > General Billing > Invoice Processing > Adjust Invoices

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter enough relevant information to locate the batch. Useful fields are Batch Number, Entry Date, and Clerk (the user who created the batch). 

  4. Click Accept. 

  5. If multiple batches return based on the search criteria, scroll through the list and double click the desired Batch when it is located. 

  6. Click Resume Batch

Additional Information

Additional resources for working in Adjust Invoices can be found here: Master Article - Adjust Invoices