User does not have option to schedule reports

User does not have option to schedule reports

Description of Issue

User is in the Employee Accruals Report, and they do not have the option to run the report now or to schedule it for later.

  • Payroll

  • Employee Accruals Report

  • User Attributes

  • Roles


User's role does not have Submit jobs to be scheduled checked off under Munis System module in their assigned role. 

  1. Navigate to System Administration>Security>Roles.

  2. Search for user's role and click Accept.

  3. Click Munis System folder.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Check box for Submit jobs to be scheduled.

  6. Click Accept

  7. Have the user log out, clear their cache, and log back in for changes to take effect.

User should also have access to Employee Accruals granted by one of their roles under Category Access in the Payroll module. 

  1. Navigate to System Administration>Security>Roles.

  2. Search for user's role and click Accept.

  3. Click HR Management/Payroll folder.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Click Category Access tab. 

  6. Locate line for Employee Accruals.

  7. Use dropdown under Employee Master column to change to Update/Delete or Inquiry access.

  8. Click Accept

Additional Information