Tax Corrections Report missing Adjustment Reason

Description of Issue

Adjustment Reason code and message does not show on the Tax Corrections report.

Unable to run Release Adjustment Report to view Adjustment Reason prior to Bill Posting or GL Posting the Adjustments. 

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Tax Corrections

  • Release Entry

  • Release Adjustment Report



Install the following release for resolution: 

  • MUN-467705 (2021.7.0.1688)

  • MUN-471127 (2021.8.0.1429)

  • MUN-471128 (2021.9.0.1211)

  • MUN-471124 (2021.10.0.931)

  • MUN-471125 (2021.11.0.608)

  • MUN-471126 (2021.12.0.0 Base Release)

  • MUN-471129 (2023.3.1.0 Base Release)

Additional Information