Student Activity Transactions - Call to glypperm_getGLYearPeriodForDate failed

Description of Issue

Student Activity Transactions (saacttrn)

Call to glypperm_getGLYearPeriodForDate failed



Student Activity


Missing Journal Number Control record for next FY


Financials > General Ledger Menu > Miscellaneous Set Up > Journal Number Control

  1. Select Search and enter your current Fiscal Year or another year with existing records to copy to a future year.

  2. Select Duplicate or Copy.

  3. Enter original Fiscal Year to be copied and the year to copy record to.

  4. Accept

If this is the first time Journal Number Control is being set up:

  1. Click Add.

  2. Click on the calendar icon under Start Date and End Date columns for each period to select dates.

  3. Accept

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