ArcGIS Setup in TPAR Help Menu Cannot Proceed Past Step 4

Description of Issue

When following instructions for ArcGIS Online Residency Verification in the TPAR Help Menu, the step Add the Feature Layer to the Default API key cannot be followed, as the button Add Items is not available under Content and items

  • TPAR

  • Parks & Rec

  • Tyler Parks and Recreation

  • ArcGIS

  • Residency Verification


Access to this feature requires the creation of a Developer account in ArcGIS. This is not stated in ESRI's Help documentation, so it wasn't initially stated in Parks & Rec's. Parks & Rec Support is aware of this shortcoming and is working to correct it.

  1. From, click Sign In

  2. Create an Account.

  3. Choose Create an ArcGIS Developer Account. This is free to setup.

  4. Follow the prompts until an account is created.

  5. Go to and sign in with the account.

  6. Either start over instructions in the TPAR Help Menu, or use Import Data found in the Layers tab to import the Boundary Layer already made in a previous account.

Additional Information

ESRI provides sites with an Organization Account when a site is licensed to use ArcGIS. However, the setup cannot be complete with this provided account. The Developer licensing level is required.