Create a Field ID code for PA PIMS Job Class Code Long

Description of Issue

How do I create a Field ID Code for PA PIMS Job Class Code Long?

  • Payroll
  • Pennsylvania
  • PA PIMS Educator Report



You will need a User Defined Code record for all PA PIMS non-PE Job Class Codes.  Create the new codes using these steps: Create User Defined Codes for PA PIMS Job Class Code Long

To create the new Field Code record for Job Class Long: 

  1. Select Add
  2. Complete the fields as follows:
    1. Field Code -  Enter a code to identify Job Class Code Long for PA PIMS.  Example: JCCL
    2. Field Label - Enter a label for the Field Code.  Example: PIMS JCCL
    3. Description - Enter a long description to meaningfully describe the Field ID Code.  Example: PIMS JOB CLASS CODE LONG
    4. Security Category - Select User Defined Fields.
    5. Date Enabled - Leave unchecked.
    6. Code Enabled - Check-mark this option.
    7. Value Enabled - Leave unchecked.
    8. Enabled for Integration - Leave unchecked.
    9. Field - Leave Blank
    10. Value Data Type - Leave blank.
    11. Entry Must be Unique - Check-mark this option.
    12. Available Codes - Click the Code(s) created for Job Class Code Long values from the Available Codes list and select the right arrow icon to move it into the Selected Codes list.
  3. Select Accept.