Cashiering failed to generate reprint receipt
Cashiering failed to generate reprint receipt
Description of Issue
When trying to reprint a receipt in Cashiering, you get the following error: An Unknown error has occurred while generating the reprint receipt
Error: Failed to generate reprint receipt
Virtual-tape-transaction - genererateReprintReceipt - failed to generate reprint receipt with the following error: Error Code: 500 Message: Http failure response for https://xxxx/prod/cashiering/ui.web/Receipt/GenerateReprintReceipt:500 OK
- Cashiering Hardware Console
- Epson TM-S9000U
- Tyler Cashiering
- Printer Receipts
The Epson TM-S9000U is not able to properly connect to the Hardware Console. This could be caused by incorrect drivers, or an issue with the printer such as low ink or paper.
- Open the Hardware Console from the system tray, or from the 9-Box menu in the UI.web web page
- Click Re-initialize
- Click Logging to check for errors
- Check control panel lights on printer
- All orange lights must be addressed. If there are any error lights on the printer, it will not initialize successfully in the Hardware Console.
- If ink light is orange, replace the ink: Changing Epson Receipt Printer Ink Cartridge
- If paper light is orange, replace the paper
- If the error light is orange, power cycle the device
- Power down, unplug from workstation, unplug from power source for 10-15 seconds, plug back into power source, power on and let start up fully, plug into workstation
- Epson Receipt Printer LED Light Indicators
Additional Information