ExecuTime - Where does ExecuTime pull PL codes from
Some users are able to see PL codes on the time entry screen in ExecuTime. Where does ExecuTime pull the PL codes from in Munis?
EERP (Munis)
Location Codes
Employee Job/Salary
Time & Attendance (ExecuTime)
ExecuTime pulls PL codes from two areas depending on the site's Munis set up. ExecuTime will first reference the employee's location code:
Access Location Codes: Munis > Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Location Codes
Search on the employee's location code > click Project Rollups
If the employee's location code doesn't have any project rollup codes defined ExecuTime will then reference Employee Job/Salary to display which PL accounts are available to the employee:
Access Employee Job/Salary: Munis > Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job/Salary
Search on the employee, PL accounts linked to the employee from this program will be made available in ExecuTime when entering a timesheet.
In ExecuTime > System Admin > Policy and Rules Engine > JCD Policy you have the ability to control which groups of employees will have the Job Costing Fields available to them when entering time.