Master Article - Job Class Code Long in PA PIMS Staff Template

Description of Issue

Where does Job Class Code Long come from in the PA PIMS Generate?

  • Payroll
  • Pennsylvania
  • PA PIMS Educator Report



Job Class Code Long will default to PE unless there is an Employee User Defined Fields record for the employee with the Field ID code defined in the Job Class Code Long User Defined Field on the PA PIMS Generate screen.

To report Job Class Code Long values other than PE, you will need to: 

  1. Create User Defined Codes for PA PIMS Job Class Code Long
  2. Create a Field ID code for PA PIMS Job Class Code Long
  3. Create Employee User Defined Field records for PA PIMS Job Class Code Long using Employee Import

When PIMS adds new Job Class Code values, reference PIMS added new Job Class Code values for Job Class Code Long

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