PIMS added new Job Class Code values for Job Class Code Long

Description of Issue

New Job Class Codes were added in the PA PIMS Manual.  How do I add these?

  • Payroll
  • Pennsylvania
  • PA PIMS Educator Report



To report the new codes, you will need to create them, link them to your Job Class Code Long Field ID code and then link them to employees in Employee User Defined Fields. 

Create the new codes using these steps: Create User Defined Codes for PA PIMS Job Class Code Long

Link the new codes to the Field Code for Job Class Code Long using the steps below: 

  1. Open the User Defined Fields program.
  2. Select Search and enter your Job Class Code Long Field Code in the Field Code field.
  3. Select Accept.
  4. Select Update. 
  5. Under Available Codes, click the Code(s) created for PA PIMS Job Class Codes and select the right arrow icon to move it into the Selected Codes list.
  6. When all applicable Codes have been moved as needed, select Accept.

Link the new codes to employees using these steps: Create Employee User Defined Field records for PA PIMS Job Class Code Long using Employee Import