Where to Enter a Rehire Date
Upon re-hiring an employee, there are no fields to enter a re-hire date. What is the best location for entering this information?
Employee Master
Terminated Employee Master
There is no field labeled Re-Hire in Employee Master
The Orig Hire field in Employee Master represents the Original Hire date. The Hired field represents the date they were most recently hired, or the re-hired, date.
Navigate to Employee Master (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Master)
Click Update
Select the Dates tab
Enter the original hiring date in the Orig Hire field
Enter the re-hire date in the Hired field
Select Accept to save
Note: If Benefit longevity needs to be reset based on the re-hire date, the Service Date should mirror the new Hired date.
The value in the Hired date field cannot be used to track position/job/role changes. If you didn't collect a (new) W-4 from the employee, the Hired date should not be touched.
Tyler does not recommend leaving Inactive or Terminated Dates and/or Reason codes in the Employee Master when you re-hire (or re-activate) someone. Doing so can cause problems once the employee is rehired; most often with state specific reporting.
Tyler recommends using Payroll Date File Maintenance, specifically the Other Dates folder on the Dates tab in the Employee Master program if you’d like to retain this data for historical purposes.
Using Employee Master Other Dates to retain previous Inactive and Terminated dates