Payment Entry allocation amounts that are changed manually will update the Payment Amount without warnings

Description of Issue

When applying a payment through Payment Entry, manually changing the distribution amounts incorrectly on the Apply Payment screen, will change the initial Payment Amount field without warning the user that Payment Amount had changed.

After manually entering the distribution amounts, the Payment Amount field has changed to no longer match the intended Tendered Amount in hand.

No longer receiving the following warning message that indicates the allocated amounts do not match the initial Payment Amount. 

  • The payment column does not sum to the entered payment amount. Adjust the distribution by X.XX. 

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Payment Entry

  • Preferences

  • Upgrade from 11.3



Install the following release for resolution:

  • MUN-384776 (2021.12.0.0 Base Release)

  • MUN-469947 (2021.3.1.0 Base Release) 

Additional Information

Once you begin manually changing the preset allocation amounts, by design the system will update the initial Payment Amount field as the sum of all Principal and Interest amounts that were manually entered onscreen.

To change partial or overpayment amount allocations during Payment Entry, the User must have their Preferences enabled. See the following article. Change Accounts Receivable User Preferences to View Charge Groups When Entering Payments