Tyler Payments Cashiering Error with Split Transactions

Tyler Payments Cashiering Error with Split Transactions

Description of Issue
  • When attempting to split a Credit Card payment with Tyler Payments, there is an error message:

Credit Card Type Does not Allow for Multiple Tenders.

Error: Tender XXXX Does not allow multiple tenders.

  • Add Tender Button is Greyed Out.

  • Tyler Cashiering

  • Payments

  • EERP


With the release of Cashiering 2021.10, Tyler Payments allows for split tender transactions. However, the Payments Credit Card tender should be selected and entered as the last tender

  1. In Receipt Entry, select the bill or charge to pay on.

  2. Pay Now.

  3. Enter the first tender in the split transaction (Cash, Check, etc.)

  4. Add Tender.

  5. Enter the remaining amount using the Payments Credit Card tender type.

  6. Complete.

    1. Note: Add Tender will be greyed out if the entire balance of the transaction is accounted for. Clicking Complete will automatically add the remaining tender using the last-entered information. 

Additional Information

Split payments are not accepted prior to Cashiering version 2021.10.