Pay Code report for Pay Code Used in Payroll for Specific Date Range

Description of Issue
  • Is there a report that will show me a specific paycode information for a specified date range?

  • What report can I run with a date range of 1/1/2020 to 1/1/2023 to pick up Pay Code 999 specifically.

  • EERP

  • Payroll

  • Detail Check History Report

  • Payroll Detail History 

  • Pay Master


  1. Navigate to Detail Check History Report (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Employee History > Detail Check History Report)

  2. Click Define

  3. Make sure the Report Dates is set to specify then apply the applicable date range.

  4. Apply the other applicable filters

  5. Check off Print Earnings and put in the applicable pay codes

  6. Uncheck Print Deductions

  7. Click Accept 

  8. In the Ribbon choose the applicable output option

Additional Information

Payroll Detail History could also be used (Payroll>Employee History>Payroll Detail History)