How to move the combined columns for Pay and Position in the Pay Type Time Entry Report

Description of Issue

Our Payroll Accountant would like to know if you can move the combined columns Pay and Position back to two separate columns in the Time Entry Report, they are currently showing in one column with Pay above the Position fields. 

  • Payroll 
  • Payroll Processing
  • Time Entry 
  • Time Entry Report 
  • Pay Type Report
  • Custom Reports


Create a Custom Report

  1. Navigate to Time Entry (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Time Entry Processing > Time Entry)
  2. Click the Skittle on the top right (Custom Report)
  3. Click Add
  4. Type in the report name as well as a title
  5. Select the applicable Fields in the drop down
  6. Once completed Click Accept
  7. See How to create a custom Time Entry Report
Additional Information