Journal Import error 'Input file not found. -846' - import file contains blank lines

Description of Issue

When attempting to import a file in the Import Journals program, the following error occurs:

Munis (glimptje)

Input file not found. -846 ISAM 0

Additional information concerning a status error of -846;

Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns.

If you have any questions, please contact Munis Technical Support.

System log Id: XXXX


General Ledger

Import Journals


One or more blank lines are included on the import file being used.


To locate these blank lines on your import file, open the file in Notepad.

Search for any blank lines in between your import lines, and remove these if there are any.

Also, move your cursor below your last import line to see if the cursor automatically moves to a blank line at the end of the import file.

If the cursor does show up on a blank line, delete these blank lines.

Save your import file, and retry the import.

Additional Information