Determine if NET framework 4.7.2 is installed on application server

Description of Issue

Determine if .NET framework 4.7.2 is installed on application server

  • Munis

  • Microsoft NET Framework

  • Server Management


Some recent Munis updates require that Microsoft .NET Framework has been installed on application server

  1. Connect to Munis Application Server

  2. Open Start Menu and search for Powershell

  3. Open Powershell and run the query below

    (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full").Release -ge 461808

  4. If query returns True .NET Framework 4.7.2 is installed on application server

  5. If query returns False .NET Framework is not installed on application server

    1. Reach out to Tyler Systems Management SaaS or On-Prem to assist with installation of .NET Framework 4.7.2 on the server