Life to Date project amounts did not roll to new project year after Fiscal Year End Close

Description of Issue

User completed the General Ledger year end close process and noted that the amounts on their Life to Date projects in the Project Ledger did not roll to a new project year

  • Project Master


Life to Date projects roll to a new project year based on the defined project fiscal range


The General Ledger Year End Close process does not trigger projects to roll to a new year. The Project Ledger is managed separately from the General Ledger.

The date in which Life to Date projects will roll to a new fiscal year is determined by the project fiscal range defined when the project was created.

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Projects/Inquiry > Project Master

  1. Search for the project

  2. Verify the Project fiscal range

Additional Information

The Project fiscal range cannot be changed on a project if the strings have transactions posted to them.

If the range has been defined in the site's Project Settings, then the months will be defined automatically for this range when a new project is created. The user will not be able to override this range without the proper Project Accounting permissions.