Updating SSL Certificates on Tyler Servers
Updating SSL Certificates on Tyler Servers
Description of Issue
Our certificate is expiring soon. Where does that need to be updated and how is it replaced?
- Certificates
- Certs
- On-Prem
- On Premise
- For self-signed Cert, Tyler does not provide advice or technical support.
- For wildcard Cert, Tyler does sprovide technical support.
- Plan ahead! Be cognizant of SSL certificate expiration dates to avoid downtime and interruptions to Tyler servers and products.
- It is the responsibility of On-Premise clients to renew their certificate with their vendor.
- .PFX format is the most straightforward way to apply a new certificate.
- If requesting assistance from TSM Support to update the certificate, it is the responsibility of the client to provide the certificate as a .PFX file and the associated password.
- If there is a wildcard certificate, it can be used it on every site that meets the wildcard requirement. For instance, a wildcard certificate issued to *.sitename.com can serve both munis.sitename.com and tcm.sitename.com. If there is not a wildcard certificate, a certificate will need to be provided for each domain name that needs to be secured.
Certificates need to be replaced on the following EERP (Munis) related servers:
- Application Server
- Infrastructure Server
- Self Service / Web Server
- Reporting Server (if separate)
- Content Manager Server
For assistance updating certificates on EERP (Munis) servers, please contact Munis TSM Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal
Time & Attendance (ExecuTime) related servers:
- How to apply Time and Attendance SSL certificate
- How to import the .cer file into Java Keystore for Time and Attendance
- Export SSL Certificate to .cer Format to import into Java Keystore
For assistance updating certificates on Time & Attendance (ExecuTime) servers, please contact ExecuTime TSM Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal
Additional Information