Deduction Amount Changes for Calc Code 08
Deduction Amount Changes for Calc Code 08
Description of Issue
When updating the Deduction and Benefit Master for a Calc Code 08 deduction, the changes are not flowing over to the Employee Deduction records.
- Enterprise ERP Payroll
- Deduction and Benefit Master
- Employee Deductions
- cc08
- Calc Code 08
The Employee or Employer Amount for a Calc Code 08 deduction must be maintained on the Employee Deduction record. Changes to the Deduction and Benefit Master will not automatically flow over to the Employee Deduction Records.
- Manually Update Employee Deduction records for the correct Employee and/or Employer Amounts.
- Use the Import process to update the Employee Deduction records--Utilizing Flexible Import and Exports
- If the Employee/Employer amount was previously the same for all employees and will be the same going forward, use the Mass Update option in Employee Deductions to update the records--Mass Update Employee Deduction Amount Percent
Additional Information