Central Budget Entry - Mass Update existing Budget Amounts by percent increase or decrease

Description of Issue

How can the existing budget amounts for in a projection be increased or decreased by a certain percentage in the Central Budget Entry program? 

  • Budget Processing

  • Projections

  • Central Budget Entry



Central Budget Entry has a Mass Update feature that can be used to increase or decrease the amounts by a set percentage: 

  1. Financials > Budget Processing > Central Budget Entry

  2. Click Change Projection to choose projection to update

  3. Click Advanced to filter for the accounts that need to be updated in the projection

  4. Click Mass Update > Budget Amounts

  5. For What kind of update do you want to perform: choose Percent

  6. For How do you want to modify the budget?: 

    1. Choose Increase to increase by a percent amount

    2. Choose Decrease to decrease by a percent amount

  7. For What would you like to use as the base amount?: choose Existing Amount to add percentage increase or decrease to existing amounts

  8. Choose whichever Should any rounding rules be applied? and What rounding precision should be applied? options as applicable. Standard Rounding will round up when above halfway and down when below halfway between the rounding precision options

  9. Enter percentage increase or decrease in the Enter value field

  10. Click Ok

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