Budget Transfers and Amendments - Cannot release journal Required User Defined Fields are missing from the header

Description of Issue

When attempting to release a journal from Budget Transfers and Amendments, the following message appears:

  • Munis (bgamdent) Cannot release journal: Required User Defined Field(s) are missing from the header.

  • Budget Transfers and Amendments

  • User Defined Fields


This error occurs if there are one or more required user defined fields blank on this journal's header.


To complete the missing User Defined Field(s):

  1. Navigate to: Enterprise ERP > Financials > Budget Processing > Budget Transfers and Amendments

  2. Browse the problem journal

  3. Once the journal is loaded on the screen, click Update

  4. Click the User Defined option from the ribbon

  5. Click Update

  6. Define values for any fields that are marked required

  7. Click Accept

  8. Click Return

  9. Attempt to release the journal again

Additional Information